Contact lenses from the Acuvue series are the flagship products of
Johnson and Johnson. Acuvue contact lenses have been on top of the
popularity ladder among contact lens wearers for the past 10 years. The reason
is simple – Acuvue were the first silicone hydrogel contact lenses on the market,
and, thanks to their silicone hydrogel material, they provide high oxygen
permeability and maximum comfort to their wearers.
Our best Acuvue
contacts online
We offer popular daily lenses (Acuvue
Moist, Acuvue TruEye lenses) and bi-weekly contacts (Acuvue
Oasys). Acuvue astigmatism lenses are also available. The Acuvue Advance series
production has been discontinued and replaced by the newest and most
advanced Acuvue Oasys contact lenses.